Browse all Japanese newspapers online, magazines and news sites for the latest breaking news, top stories, analysis, and many more.
Japan Newspapers, News sites and Magazines
- 朝日新聞 | Asahi Shimbun: It is one of the most widely circulated newspapers published in Japan.
- 日本経済新聞 | Nikkei Asian Review in English
- 産経新聞 | Sankei Shimbun
- 読売新聞 | The Japan News – by Yomiuri Shimbun:It is one of the largest Japanese newspapers by circulation.
- 日刊スポーツ | Nikkan Sports: Daily sports newspaper published in Japan.
- 毎日新聞 | Mainichi Shimbun: Founded in 1872 Mainichi Shimbun is one of oldest Japanese newspapers.
- Japan Times Online: English language newspaper published in Japan.
- Sports Nippon (スポーツニッポン): Oldest Japanese daily sports newspaper was founded in 1948.
- サンケイスポーツ | Sankei Sports: Sports newspaper covering swimming, athletics, judo, volleyball, table tennis, and more.
- Sports Hochi (スポーツ報知): Daily sports newspaper published in Japan. Sports Hochi an affiliate newspaper of Yomiuri Shimbun.
Japan Today: Online newspaper featuring latest news on Japan and the world, coverage includes business, politics, technology, entertainment, and sports.